
Pink Diamond


Profile pink diamonds have led several auctions in recent years. The 24.78 carat “Graff Pink” diamond sold at Sotheby’s for $46 million on November 16, 2010. In May 2011 Sotheby’s sold another large pink diamond for $10.84 million, a 10.99 carat fancy intense pink. While natural pink diamonds are costly and rare, pink diamonds of varying carat weights, hues and saturation’s are available.

10.99ct Fancy Intense Pink

Cause of Colour

Cause of Colour

The colour of pink diamonds is generally thought to be caused by coloured graining, which results from structural irregularities in combination with an impurity. Until recently, the cause of pink colouring in a diamond remained somewhat of a scientific mystery. What is known is that unlike other coloured diamonds (greens, blues, yellows, etc.), the colour pink is not due to foreign trace elements trapped inside the diamond’s structure. Some scientist’s point to an atomic-level lattice defect that selectively absorbs light producing a pink hue, but the actual cause has yet to be revealed.


A pink diamond, like other coloured diamonds, comes in several shades and tones. From a faint pink to the extremely rare fancy vivid pink and purplish pink. The lighter the pink tone, the less expensive the diamond. Heavily saturated pure pinks and purplish pinks are considered collector’s items, with prices reflecting their rarity and desirability.

Most pink diamonds originate in South Africa and in Australia.

Graff Pink 3 image


Secondary Colours

Common secondary colours in pink diamonds include brownish pink, orangish pink, and purplish pink.


Paler pinks with secondary hues are more common than pure and intense pinks. Natural fancy pinks are appreciably rare regardless of secondary colours and are priced accordingly.


Pink diamonds are graded as Faint Pink, Very Light Pink, Light Pink, Fancy Light Pink, Fancy Pink, Fancy Intense Pink, Fancy Dark Pink, Fancy Deep Pink, and Fancy Vivid Pink.


Australia’s Argyle Diamond Mineproduces most of the world’s pink diamonds, which are sold at the annual Pink Tender.

Rwm Pink Grading